About Us
Badger Creek Plumbing & Heating
is a group of dedicated, trained and highly experienced professionals. We are extremely proud
of the service technicians and the exceptional capability they bring to our clients.
who we are
Badger Creek Plumbing & Heating, a member of the Jacobson & Greiner Group of Companies, was founded in 2009 by Chris Bridges and incorporated in 2010. We offer fast reliable plumbing and heating solutions including, but not limited to, new installations, repairs, and ongoing maintenance.
We are proud members of several highly respected industry associations, including COR and the Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association Inc. These trade relationships keep up to date with new technology and industry standards which directly relate to our Plumbing and Heating trade
Radon Measuring & Mitigation, Onsite Wastewater Management, Wood Energy Technical Transfer and Heating, Refrigerating, Air Conditioning Institute (HRAI) Levels 1 and 2